Meet the Messiah


I am so encouraged by your desire to learn more about the Jewish Messiah!

There is a lot of confusion as to the identity, character and unique demands of the Messiah as revealed in the Tenach and the Brit Hadashah. In just a few simple articles want to take you into the texts and may HaShem thereby lead you to the Truth.

Whether you are a Jewish atheist, agnostic, observant or Chasid, in these simple studies and reflection, we want to honestly walk with you through some Scriptures and some Jewish traditions, all the while seeking to draw you into a divine encounter with the Jewish Messiah. Yes, his name is Yeshua / Jesus and He desires you to call him Adonai.

Furthermore we want to assure you the Messiah is Jewish, the Message is Jewish and the first ‘Christian’ missionaries were Jewish. We are not presenting to you a Gentile ‘Gentle Jesus’, but rather a Jewish Moshiach, declared by Jewish prophets, spoken of by Jewish leaders and lawyers, who declared Himself ‘sent to the lost sheep of the House of Israel’.

We want you to Meet the Messiah, but more, we want you to make Him Master. Also, we are here to help you with any of your questions. (Use the ‘Contact us’ webform or email me at

Pre and Post Covid we do not want you to simply live in the online world, so we would also advise connecting with other Christians (Jewish or Gentile) in a local fellowship or congregation. We’d be happy to connect you to someone in your own area.

Our greatest desire is to lead you to the Greatest Friend, the One that sticks closer than a brother, and through His life, death and resurrection, He brings Shalom to hell deserving sinners. His name is Jesus and ‘There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.’ (Acts 4:12)