There is a famous saying among us Jews, “If you put two Jews together, you get three opinions”. That statement is truer than you might think. There is also another saying, “Jews are just like everyone else only more so”. So, what's that all about? I would say that both those statements speak of the intensity of the Jewish people.

In Judaism, debate is all about arriving at the truth. Rabbis generally value debate and consider it a healthy part of a productive society. They encourage students to find study partners and engage in heated discussion. Thus education is not just about learning, it is about the discussion of ideas. Of course we have always sought wisdom and discernment. Our wise King Solomon makes it clear.

The wise-hearted is called discerning; One whose speech is pleasing gains wisdom.” (Proverbs 16:21, Tanakh)

With the lack of critical thinking that we have in this country today, as a Jewish person, the Jewish culture of debating, shows the lost art of critical thinking, unlike the cancel culture of today. May the world see that our debating in Jewish culture, is about learning not cancelling.

But let’s take this thought a step further. I would like to believe that this art of debating and critically thinking through issues may be the very thing that brings Jewish people to find their Messiah.

“For many Jewish families, it is precisely because they care about each other that they engage with one another. If something is important, we want the people we love to know about it. In Jewish culture, arguing is often seen as a way to learn.” -  Garrett Smith

 Yes… we Jews are a strange combination of blessings and persecutions from HaShem.

Personally, I believe God is using all this to eventually bring us back to him. Why do we debate?

…There must be a reason.

Why do we love to debate?