Psalm 110:1

The LORD says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.”

Which is which? - Just asking!

It is a Jewish thing to ask questions. The rabbis have been debating this one from psalmist David for centuries. One thing is clear. The LORD God speaks to David’s Lord and places him at the Divine right hand! That in itself is stunning if not blasphemous.

Who is ‘he’ that has such authority? Who is David’s Lord in this statement. And in that same psalm, the LORD swears concerning this other Lord that he is a ‘priest forever after the order of Melchizedek’. Well, the questions just keep coming!

A Lord, seated at the LORD’s right hand, with priestly authority, even ageless authority? Who is ‘He’? Which Lord is Lord – just asking!

And while you’re considering, just go ahead and read the whole psalm. It speaks of his rule in the midst of his enemies. It speaks of his people, willing in the day of his power. It speaks of his ability to shatter (crush?) kings on the day of his wrath. It speaks of his authority to execute judgement on the nations.

Perhaps this Lord, this King, this Priest, who powerfully summons people to submit to his rule, and who do so freely, is another Personality akin to the ‘he’ of ‘he will crush’, or the provided lamb, or the Messiah who would be bruised for the transgression of his people, or the covenantal object of Abraham’s faith, or the One who ushers in the New Covenant. Just perhaps… just asking?

No wait… He is!
Up until now I have reserved Scriptural quotations from the Hebrew Scriptures. Permit me to bring in the Brit Hadashah, the New Testament.

New Covenant Rabbi Saul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:21-25 ‘For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to him. (His ‘willing people’!) … he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet’ (Sound familiar to Psalm 110?)

(Rabbi) Yeshua ha Moshiach: (During Pesach the night before he was crucified.) ‘This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood’ (Luke 22:20)

‘Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM’ (John 8:58) (Sounds like an everlasting priest after the order of Melchizedek.)
Ah…  all the pieces are coming together. So which Lord is Lord? Just asking.

Just asking…